Five minute fun activities for busy people to do with little kids

Five Minute News

18 March 2020

FMM’s Ideas Bank

As promised here is a blog post sign-posting you to as many resources as I have seen so far to support you with children at home during this unprecedented time in our lives. New things are popping up every day though so I will keep adding where I can, and sharing on my social media pages too.

07 November 2019

Book Cover Reveal

I think most of you will have seen this by now but here is the official cover of my book Give Me Five…

26 September 2019


So I can finally tell you all what I have been working on for quite some time now. A Five Minute Mum book - GIVE ME FIVE - I mean, not literally, that’s just what is is called! I have gathered up all the ideas that are on the blog and lots of new ones and popped them all into a recipe style,…

01 May 2018

What is Five Minute Mum?

What it definitely ISN’T is a smug “look at me, aren’t I a super mum doing all these fabulous games with my kids” type of blog. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating yourself as a Mother but I cannot bear smugness. Because as any parent will know, smugness always occurs just…

12 April 2018

The Golden Rule

So here it is. My only rule. Always let the kids come to you. Try not to clap your hands and say “OK kids we are going to do this activity now.” Even in your best ‘Meryl Streep THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME acting voice’, they KNOW. They just KNOW. In their little heads they go…“Yep,…

12 April 2018

Oh great, not another “Mum” blog…

So, Hi! For a wee while now I’ve occasionally posted things I’ve done with my kids on my personal social media sites. Short, fun activities or games, usually based around teaching my kids letters or numbers. And a few people said, “Hey this is useful I’m going to do this with my kid”.…